How to install hoop theme?

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel ( yourdomain.com/wp-admin )
  2. In side navigation go to Appearance –> Themes
  3. Click on the Add New button
  4. Search for Hoop
  5. Click on Install and next Activate button

How to create menu?

  1. To create menu go to Appearance –> Menus
  2. Click on create a new menu link
  3. Fill Menu Name input and click on Save Menu
  4. When menu is created you can add links to it
  5. To display menu on the page you have to choose one of three available locations (Primary Menu, Footer Menu, Social Menu)

Primary menu

Primary menu is displayed in top bar, next to your logo and/or site title. Footer menu and Social menu are displayed in the page footer.

In primary menu you can create short plain list of links or you can add 1 level deep submenu. To create submenu create custom link as a trigger for opening dropdown menu. Fill Navigational Label and set URL to # to generate link. If you want to have labels inside submenu use custom link, fill Navigational Label and don’t set URL.

*For now only short list of main links is supported (Maximum number of links is 4-5 depends on words length).

Footer menu

Footer menu should be a plain list of links (without submenu). By default it is centered, and displayed in one or two columns (for menus that consists of more than 4 links) in the middle of the footer. If you want to have a lot of links in this menu we strongly suggest to change Footer layout to large in Customizer. In that case the footer menu will be expanded to 2/3 widths of the row and social menu will be displayed underneath.

Social menu

To create social menu use Custom links. Link text will not be displayed, but it is needed to create hidden text used by screen readers. To display icon fill CSS Classes field (It can be found when you expand Custom Link, if it isn’t there click on Screen Options and mark CSS classes in show advanced menu properties section). Icon class should be created with icon- prefix, eg: icon-facebook, icon-google-plus.

List of currently available icons:

500px, airbnb, amazon, amex, android, angellist, apple, appstore, behance, bing, blackberry, blogger, delicious, deviantart, dig, dribble, dropbox, ebay, edge, evernote, facebook, fb_messenger, firefox, flickr, forrst, github, gmail, google, google-drive, google-inbox, google-plus, html5, icloud, instagram, ios , lastfm, linkedin, mastercard, medium, myspace, opera, osx, outlook, paypal, pencilcase, periscope, picasa, pinterest, play, producthunt, reddit, rss, safari, skype, slack, snapchat, soundcloud, spotify, stackoverflow, stumbleupon, tumblr, twitter (bird mark), twitter1 (t mark), uber, viber, vimeo, vine, visa, wechat, whatsapp, windows, windows8, wordpress, yahoo, yelp (yelp with shape), yelp1 (shape only), youtube